Fresh Air Ventilation
Bring in Fresh Air Without Opening Windows!
With up to 70% of our time spent indoors, ventilation is essential in ensuring our Hawke’s Bay homes are dry, warm and healthy. But with homes becoming more airtight than ever, the option of leaving doors or windows open to allow fresh air to enter is often not possible from a noise and security perspective.
This is where a ventilation system can make a real difference.
Mitsubishi Electric’s range of Lossnay Ventilation Systems allows you to have a well-ventilated home without the need to open windows. We have fresh air ventilation system for a single room or your whole home - contact us today to chat about what’s right for your home or rental property.
Single Room Lossnay Ventilation
A Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay Single Room Ventilation System is designed to provide cost effective energy recovery ventilation to one specific area in the home.
Lossnay recovers energy from the air being transferred to pre-warm (or pre-cool) the fresh air drawn into the room. As a result, moisture build-up is minimised and a warmer, drier and healthier indoor environment can be maintained all year round.
The range features a wall mounted model ideal for homes without roof space, and a ducted model that can be installed in the roof or attic space so it is unobtrusive and hidden away.
Whole Home Lossnay Heat Recovery Ventilation
Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay Heat Recovery Ventilation is a balanced pressure system that uses fresh air (not attic air) and recovers heat energy from the outgoing stale, reducing dampness and maximising efficiencies.
The Balanced Pressure Lossnay Difference
Brings Fresh air in from the outside – not the attic
Heat Recovery from outgoing stale air
Ability to recover heat even from damp places like bathrooms
Ideal for moisture management in newer homes that are air tight
Super energy efficient
Easily integrated with a ducted heat pump system
Not quite sure?
Ensuring your heat pump is the right size for your home is crucial for optimal performance and energy efficiency. There are also a number of other factors that need to be considered such as the location of the heat pump and the insulation in your home – that’s why it pays to talk to the experts.
Contact us today to book your free-in home consultation and quote where we can measure up and recommend the best solution for your home.